Sunday, September 2, 2012


I cannot believe it is already September! Where did this summer go?! In my last post, I shared about our time at youth camp with our student ministry. Since then, our life this summer has been crazy busy, and it has gone by so fast. We were so busy with school, work, and events that I that I was relieved when it was over because the fall semester would be a bit of a break for us. Anyway, I wanted to, however, write a post covering all that we have done this summer, and share what the fall semester is going to entail. Here we go.

We kicked off the beginning of the summer with the purchase of our new home in Garland, Texas. We officially moved into our home in the middle of May after painting the interior and making a few cosmetic changes. We were so ready to live in the community were we served and fellowshipped with. Our church body is in Rowlett, Texas (only about 10 minutes from our new home). This was a wish Brett and I had for a year when we were commuting from North Dallas. The Lord was very faithful to us, and we are enjoying our sweet little home and loving the community.

Moving Day

Right after moving (like the day after), I started my college courses for the summer. About six months after we got married, I really wanted to go back to school to finish my degree, and being married, I feel a huge since of urgency to finish as soon as possible. Therefore, I have decided to take classes in every opportunity I am presented, so I can finish at a quicker pace. This summer, I took nine hours at a local community college. Most of the summer, I was up at the school at 7:30 am everyday (no fun). Let's just say, this summer was not one of rest for me.

Also right after moving in, we got to celebrate our first anniversary!!! See the "Love and Spontaneity" post to read up on our anniversary trip adventures.

As seen in my previous post, Brett and I got an amazing opportunity to go with our student ministry to youth camp at Lathom Springs this summer. The Lord truly overwhelmed my heart with love for our kids and confirmed our purpose in serving them every week. Many of our kids gave their lives to Jesus that week, and we got to see those who received salvation follow that up with baptism at the end of the summer. Our church body gathered at a water park called Hawaiian Falls here in Garland to watch many get baptized as a testimony of their faith in Jesus.

Wired Camp '12
Matt & Lindsey's Wedding
Elijah & Cambriegh
This summer was an exciting time for our families. In the month of May, we welcomed two new additions to our family. Two of Brett's cousins (Jessica and Kristina) gave birth to their beautiful babies. Jessica had a sweet little boy, Elijah Rayy, and three weeks later Kristina gave birth to beautiful Cambreigh Resse. Sad that we couldn't be there for their births, I finally got to meet them in July. I am so thankful for Facebook, because I felt like I knew them before I met them from all of their precious pictures. We also got to be a big part of exciting things in my families life this summer. Brett got the amazing privilege to preform his first wedding for my cousin, Matt, and his new wife, Lindsey. The wedding was absolutely beautiful, and we were so honored to be a part of that special day. Along with the wedding excitement, we heard news a few weeks later that my other cousin, Jim, and his wife, Liz, are having a BABY! The baby is coming next spring, and I cannot wait to hear if they will be having a girl or a boy.

Mrs. Victroia Searcy
Speaking of weddings, I got to celebrate my high school best friend's marriage to the love of her life. Victoria Waugh is now Victoria Searcy, and her's and Michael's wedding reception was beautiful (and so were they). I was so glad I got to be there and celebrate the most exciting day of their life.

DBU Student ID
By mid-July, I really began to think about where the Lord wanted me for the fall semester for school. Something that is really important to me is to contribute to our family by doing my part to work and bring in extra income. Having this heart, I knew that I wanted to finish my degree as soon as possible. Dallas Baptist University has always been at the top of my list for places to get my education. Also, being a Christ for the Nations graduate, I knew that DBU would accept all of my credits and present me with scholarship money to attend. Even with the scholarships, the tuition fees were daunting. I felt completely selfish asking Brett to allow me to go to a school that was so costly. After discussing it together, we decided it would be the best place for me to finish my degree. I started my classes last two weeks ago, and I am loving it. One of the greatest blessings about the program I am in is that I can take all online courses. Living in Garland, I would have a long drive to the DBU campus, so it is great to be able to do my classes from our home and on my free time. DBU is also such an encouraging place to study because the people are true servants of the Lord who want to see us succeed. Every time I have called the finance office, every person I have talk with has been completely reassuring and encouraging. The Lord has also been very faithful in our finances and helped us make our first two payments to DBU this semester. God has really shone me what a privilege it is to be a student there, and I am so grateful for this opportunity. I am getting my bachelor's degree in Christian Ministries, and I hope to graduate by December 2013. What a great day that will be!

In July, I got to serve iGoGlobal at a base camp in Denton, Texas. If you are familiar with iGo, then you know that base camp is an important part of sending out students to the nations. It is what gets them ready for their journey, and for most of them, it is their first experience overseas. I went on my first mission trip through iGo in 2009 to Tokyo, Japan, and that experience shaped my desire to work in missions in the future. It was a privilege to serve as an iGosian for the weekend, AND I got to spend it with my sweet friend, Breanne, and her husband, Kendall. I don't get to see her too often, but I always enjoy our time together.

We got to celebrate Brett's 23rd birthday at the beginning of August. No better way than with a surprise party right?! I sent out a mass-facebook-message to all of our friends from church to meet up at his favorite restaurant, Pei Wei. If you know me, then you know that I can't get anything past Brett, but this time... I DID! He was completely surprised when we walked in to see 25 of our closed friends waiting for us. He even got two free gift cards from the owner for bringing so many people in for his birthday. We followed up the evening with some soft-serve Fro-Yo and went to see the Dark Knight (which was sooo good). I loved getting to finally do something for Brett (without him suspecting a thing) and celebrating him with our wonderful friends.

Throughout this summer, I have had a hard time getting good hours at work. I have continued to pray this summer for either more hours or new opportunities. It is my heart to work and help Brett with bring in income, but nothing changed over the first two and a half months of the summer. By mid-August, I was presented with an opportunity to nanny for a family a couple of hours a day every afternoon. This opportunity was perfect for our schedule and situation. One of the biggest blessings is that I get to spend every evening with Brett, where my old work schedule I was sometimes working until 10:00 PM any night of the week. The first week of nannying went really smooth this past week, and I am enjoying my evening with my husband again. Another great opportunity I was presented with is becoming a Thirty-One consultant. I absolutely love their products and am really enjoying being a consultant! Already had a few parties and looking forward to having more this fall.

Something I am thankful to have experienced this summer is godly women pouring into my life. Much to my surprise, after praying for friends and community, I received constant requested from four-five different women who wanted to pour into my life this summer. I have been able to have lunch with a different one of these ladies each week and it has made all the difference in my life this summer. I have learned more about my role as a wife, the importance of godly community, and the grace of friendship just from these women being generous with their time. This was something I have been most grateful for this summer.

Wow... that's a lot to take in. But I am so encouraged to read over all that the Lord has done in our lives and the lives of those closest to us this summer. Can't wait to see what God has for this new season. Bring on fall and the cooler weather.