Friday, March 16, 2012

Home Sweet Home

This spring break has been nothing but sweet and full of blessings. I don't think I realized how tired we (Brett and I) were until we got this time to rest, spend time together, and just live slowly. I have enjoyed getting time to read (which only happens every few months), time with my man, and some much needed snooze time. I am utterly thankful for this week.... and I pray for continued rest and refreshing periods even after spring break ends. 

As I have previously posted, we have been house hunting for the past few months in the Garland/Rowlett Texas area near our church (Stillwater Community Church in Rowlett). We have been ready to live near our church family and finally be back in community. We have had a hard time finding a house that is in livable shape in our price-range but this week we found a keeper! On Tuesday we decided to put in an offer on a three bedroom, two bath little quaint house in Garland. We were unsure if our offer would be accepted because of multiple offers on the house, but we finally found out today that the house is ours!!! After our long search, we finally are under contract for a home of our own. Through this process, though it was long, the Lord has been very clear in where He wanted us to go. As I've prayed for our future home, I have asked the Lord to continue to be "black'n'white" with how He was guiding us to the right house. I am thankful for God's clarity and faithfulness in this process. Here's a picture of our sweet little home. We close on it April 17th!! 
We ended our blessed week with a date night. I savor date nights, because that means I don't have to cook dinner ;). In the spirit of our favorite show "Swamp People" we decided to go to Razzoo's to get some yummy Cajun food. (And it was soooo good!) 
I love this man :)

We decided to end this date with some ice cream to take home. Yum...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sweet Reading

Happy Tuesday, I hope you all are enjoying your spring break and getting refreshed and rested up like I am. I am taking time to do a follow-up post on my 2012 resolutions to review how I am doing on a few of my commitments.

One of my resolutions for 2012 was to read three books other than my school requirements. If you know me well, you would know that this is a bigger undertaking that for most people because it takes a lot of motivation to get me to read anything. I am proud to say that I am already 2/3 of the way through with this resolution. About a week into the new year I read a book called "Epic" by John Eldredge, and over the weekend I finished reading my second book called "Hinds' Feet on High Places" by Hannah Hurnard. Both books are wonderful and left me incredibly thankful to be a part of God's story.

The book "Epic" tells how we are a part in the story that God is telling. Eldridge tells how that story is interrupted by sin and how our nature longs to be as we were before sin entered our lives. One of my favorite quotes from this book says, "I daresay we've heard a bit about original sin, but not nearly enough about original glory, which comes before sin and is deeper to our nature. We were crowned with glory and honor. Why does a woman long to be beautiful? Why does a man hope to be found brave? Because we remember, if only faintly, that we were once more than we are now."

The book "Hinds' Feet on High Places" was referred to me by a friend and it took me several months to get around to reading it all the way through. I cried through the last few chapters as I read of the promises that the "Shepard" made to the main character "Much-Afriad" and how every promise came to pass despite the long journey it took for her to get to the High Places. I am overwhelmed with gratitude to Jesus for choosing me to go on this journey with Him as well. I would suggest anyone to read this. 

Here are a few of the next books on my must-read list:

1. "Kisses From Katie" by Katie Davis

2. "Calm My Anxious Heart" by Linda Dillow

3. "A Woman After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George

Reading lately? Got any goo suggestions to add to me list? 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Make Kony Famous

I am posting this video as another small way of making Joseph Kony famous and to let the world know of the crimes he has been committing for many years in Uganda, Africa. May this year, 2012, be the year that justice is served for the invisible child he has overtaken. Watch this video and continue to tell others about Kony.

To get involved go to

Also, if you are in the DFW area, there will be an addition of Cover the Night in Dallas on Friday, April 20, 2012. There is a Facebook page with more info if you are interested in getting involved.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Quick Catch-Up

I haven't had a chance to post for a few weeks because life has been crazy busy, and I am just now catching my breath from all the chaos.

For me, school has been demanding the past few weeks as spring break is approaching with mid-term tests and papers due. Thankfully, I had this past Thursday and Friday off from school because of teacher workdays.... I got some much needed rest and refresh-time. On Friday, I got to spend time with one of my dear friends from Christ for the Nations, Abbey, and catch up on each others lives. After time with her I usually find myself inspired and encouraged. Fellowship with girls my age is something I have missed since getting married, since we live so far from community and our close friends. (I am currently praying for "couple friends" for Brett and I when we move.)
With our year lease on our apartment running out in the next few months, I have been anxious to start house hunting in Rowlett where our church community is. We looked at a few houses the past few weeks and we are beginning to realize that this process is not going to be as easy as we thought. There are not very many rental properties in that area so we are opting to buy our first home to make a better investment with our money (rather than throwing it away in another high priced rental). Right now, we are just praying that the Lord only opens the door to the right home for us. I told Brett, I would be happy living in a box, as long as we are back in community.

Speaking of our church family, this Saturday, along with some of my girls from our middle school girls small group, I got to help build our church playground. For five hours, we shoveled wood chips into wheel barrels and to be dumped inside the playground perimeters. I have been so proud of my girls for stepping up to serve where hands are needed. 
I woke up this morning with a very sore back, but I was excited to see the finished playground when I got to church this morning.

This afternoon, I got a very exciting text from my older sister, Brittany, announcing her engagement to her boyfriend Joseph!! I couldn't be more excited for them, and I can't wait to start wedding planning as the matron of honor.