Sunday, September 25, 2011

Thankful Wife, Joyful Life :)

Sigh.... I am so blessed. I look up at the past near 4 months of marriage, and all I can say is "thank you, Father". Sometimes in the routine of life it is so easy to forget to be thankful, even when life is so good. I have had some wonderful time to dive into a book called "Created to be His Help Meet" by Debi Pearl within the past few days, and it is seriously blowing my mind. (If you haven't read it and you are a wife... GET IT, TODAY, SERIOUSLY!) There is no way I could put into one blog post all that I have learned just in the first have of the book, but I have chosen to share some of the things that Debi has enlightened me on in just a few short chapters.

Ultimately, as women, we were created to be a help meet to a man. I knew this before, but I was sooooooo clueless on how I was called to act in this role. I learned quickly within the first few pages of this book that I had a lot of prayer and practice to do in order to become this "help meet" the Lord created me to be. But God is faithful. (I am just grateful He has graced me to begin this journey early in our marriage.)

In my favorite chapter so far in the book, Chapter 8 "Wisdom to Understand Your Man", Debi discusses the three types of men that God created. All of which come from some part of the image of God, but each are very different. The three types are: Mr. Command, Mr. Visionary, and Mr. Steady. In reading through the descriptions of each type and how they relate to different qualities of the God-head, I pinpointed my husband's category. I have myself a Mr. Steady. "God is as steady as an eternal rock, caring, providing, and faithful, like a priest -- like Jesus Christ. He created many men in that image. We will call him Mr. Steady..." ("Created to be His Help Meet", Debi Pearl, p. 86) You can imagine the excitement when I read the similarities my husband had with Jesus. Things like his patience, consistency, and peaceful countenance  suddenly seemed 100X more attractive and almost rare when looking at my husband through the eyes of Christ.

One of the things almost overlooked about Brett is his servant's heart. In the book, Debi describes how Mr. Steady like Jesus is a "foot washer". When I read this my jaw dropped because we actually incorporated a foot washing ceremony after we exchanged vows on our wedding day. Knowing we would attempt to be like Jesus and place the other's needs before our own, I didn't even know that my husband was truly made to serve. "Many women think of their pastor as a mighty man of God, or their song leader as a spirit-filled man. Yet, I suspect it will be the quiet Mr. Steady-type men who will be call the "greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. The Mr. Steady, the quiet man, the man who does not take control, is not a man of little worth, for Jesus exalted the common chores that are so often performed by the Steady Man." (p. 88). Wow! I definitely am one lucky woman. After reading this, I really had to evaluate my appreciation and affection I give to my husband on a daily basis. Thankfully, Debi gives the wives of Mr. Steady's advice on how we can most bless them. She says as his wife I can bless my marriage by joyfully realizing the friend, lover, and companion I have been given and living that gratitude verbally and actively. I am so thankful.

I got to spend the morning serving and spending time with my husband as we prayed over every house in the city of Rowlett, TX. (The two of us didn't do this alone... haha, that would be a lot of  houses.) I love being able to be this wonderful man's helper and right-hand-wo-man :) and I couldn't be more thankful for God giving me such a "steady" husband. 


Sunday, September 18, 2011

created to be his help mate

My last post I shared with you that I have just left my job as a preschool teacher, and I now find myself at home working as an artist for people who request custom canvas art pieces. As I previously shared, this time of unemployment kinda freaked me out because, though I knew we'd be okay, I wasn't comfortable completely trusting in the Lord and my husband, Brett, to provide for me. The Lord is so cool with how He answers concerns so quickly sometimes. Within the first week of me not working, I was asked to paint for four different clients... how cool is that! I am so blessed and thankful for the work and I am fully convinced that God hears our concerns of our hearts and meets them.

Now with a little more time on my hands, I have been excited to spend more time in the Word and talking to the Lord about how I can be the biggest help and blessing to my husband in this time where I am not working, and yet he is working so much. I am thankful for this "resting" time where I get to be a bit "self-focused", and I get to ask the Lord to weed out things that are not so pleasing to Him. It is kind of a "refining" period.

One thing that I have been asking the Lord about is how He can make me be a better helper or "help mate" for my husband. It says in Genesis 2:18, "Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him." 

Being married, I now have a transformed view on what I am called to do in ministry. Since about age 13, I knew that the Lord had called me into His ministry, but I never fully knew what that would look like. After meeting Brett, we both knew that we would one day be involved in ministry of some sort, but we kind of kept our ministry visions separate from each other's. Now that I am married, my vision has switched its focus from my own selfish dreams and goals, to focus on the true ministry the Lord has currently placed me in... ministry as a help mate. 

I am really at the beginning of this quest to becoming the help mate my husband deserves, but I pray that the Lord would continue to do His work in me daily, so that I can minister to Brett as his wife and helper. 

This is one of the ways I have learned to help my husband... through FOOD! 

Delicious Chicken Enchiladas

1 1/2 lbs. chicken breast 
(4-oz.) shredded cheddar cheese
1 (8-oz.) cream cheese
1 (4-oz.) can chopped green chiles
8 flour tortillas
1 can green enchilada sauce

Cook chicken in boiling water with seasoning (we used cayenne pepper) until done. Mix cream cheese and chiles in skillet on low. Add chicken, mix well. Soften tortillas in chicken broth. Fill each with chicken mixture. Roll up and put in casserole dish. Pour enchilada sauce over enchiladas and sprinkle with cheese. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes. ENJOY!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Finding is Through Faith

Since my last post, life has taken a few changes... through some prayer and much discussion, Brett and I decided that it was time for me to leave my job as a preschool teacher. It was a weighing decision on my heart because I have such a had time completely relying on anyone for everything. To have Brett currently be our only income while I ask the Lord/search for a new job is a huge stretch of my faith. I am so blessed to have this time to reflect on where the Lord may have me direct my attention in the areas of work, my gifts, and futures studies. It is a time of finding out who the Lord has created me to be and how He plans to use me for the advancement of His Kingdom.

I have been so blessed to be given the opportunity to lead the middle school girls small group at our church (Stillwater Community Church) in Rowlett, Texas, every Sunday. These girls at ages 11-14 years old, and are so much fun to hang out with. We just kicked off our group a couple of weeks ago, and I am amazed at how much the Lord has already taught me. We are using a Bible study called "Freedom in Christ," and I think it is so cool how everything about this study has to do with the journey I am going on myself. This week we discussed Session One of the study which talks about the subject of identity and who we are in Jesus Christ. The issue of my own identity has been something I have had such a difficult time figuring out. I was so excited to be able to teach a lesson on it to these girls so that maybe they would understand and believe who the Lord says they are at such an early age.

At the end of the session, there was a page of statements from God and what He says about us as His children. There were three words that He says (through these scriptures) that we ultimately are to Him: Significant, Secure, and Accepted. I realized with all of the biblical proof and scripture back-ups in front of me that the Lord was screaming worth into me that I never chose to truly receive and ultimately... BELIEVE. Hear are some of the things the Lord says about me and you are His children:

I am a temple of God where God's Holy Spirit lives (1 Corinthians 3:16)
I am God's workmanship, created for good works (Ephesians 2:10)
I may approach God with freedom and confidence (Ephesians 3:12)
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)
I am free from any guilty charges against me from God (Romans 8:31-34)
I cannot be separated from the love of God (Romans 8:35-39)
I am sure that the good work that God has begun in me will be perfected (Philippians 1:6)
I am kept safe with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3)
I am a child of God and I am safe from any evil (1 John 5:16)
I am God's child (John 1:12)
I am Jesus' chosen friend (John 15:15)
I have been forgiven for all the things I've done wrong (Colossians 1:14)

(These are all paraphrased or are not the complete verse, look them up for full content.)

Having the Lord so constantly speaking what He thinks about me gives me the significance, security, and acceptance that I was searching for. I realized that it was up to me to choose to believe what He said was truth above what society, peers, and the world says is truth about who I am (or who I should be). Finding myself was all about strengthening my faith in Christ.



Monday, September 5, 2011

Business Beginnings

Today has been nothing short of blissful... After over a month straight of over 100 degree heat, I woke up to a delightful 70 degrees this morning. We actually opened all of the windows in our apartment and gave the A/C a break for the first time since we moved in, in June. I was so excited about the weather that I put a new scent in my Scentsy called "Family Tradition" and all that did was put me in the holiday spirit. I am so ready for our first Christmas together as the Gilpatrick Family.

Later today I got started on some exciting stuff... I put together and ordered my new business cards!! Here is a sneak peek of what they'll look like. 
My business is called "Paint Me Away" and I offer services in painting murals and custom art pieces. I am excited to get some networking started as well as some advertising. Don't forget the best advertising is by word of mouth... HINT, HINT ;) 

But really... I am a Dallas area artist currently looking to expand my clientele. So, if you live in the DFW area (or know someone who does) and are looking for an artist... I am your girl. Not only am I experienced in painting murals for children's rooms or spaces, I am also experienced in painting custom canvas art pieces. So, if you are looking for the perfect pieces to complete your space, or desire a custom art piece to give as a gift, just let me know. All pricing is negotiable. 

You can also follow Paint Me Away on Facebook :) 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Getting Started...

Today is the first day with this blog up and running, although everything is not entered in yet. I am basically still in the renovating process but I am excited to place my first post. Hopefully soon, the rest of my pages will be full and this all might make more sense. With this brand new season I have entered into I wanted to start something that documents, shares, and maybe even inspires people with this journey. I am also open to any encouragement along the way, as I hope this encourages you. 

One of the major reasons for the birth of "how the lilies grow" is my desire to beat anything that steals a persons worth, confidence, and identity. In Luke 12:27 it reads, "Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 28 If then God so clothes the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith?"  How beautiful is this verse... it screams of how much we are worth to the Lord in comparison to flowers and grass. I find it so easy to allow the enemy to steal how I perceive myself based on the opinion of peers, culture, and society. 

Which leads me to another major aspect of this blog... My Art. The Lord is so stinking creative it blows my mind. I feel like He has wired me to love that about Him because He too made me an artist. I don't think I have ever been comfortable saying that sentence... "I am an artist." But I believe that is one of the first steps to knowing who you are is speaking who He says you are... duh right. Its so simple that its so profound. He gifts and wires us all differently on purpose, and the world we live in creates this one-size-fits-all box that we are supposed to conform to or are ridiculed if we don't mold correctly. I say "live outside of the box." But not only that... do it confidently with the full knowledge of not only who you are, but also who your God is. 
